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Betty Cakes Decoraciones

Autumn, also known as fall in North American English, is one of the four temperate seasons. Outside the tropics, autumn marks the transition from summer to winter, in September or March. Autumn is the season when the duration of daylight becomes noticeably shorter and the temperature cools considerably.

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Winter is the coldest season of the year in polar and temperate zones. It occurs between autumn and spring.The tilt of Earth's axis causes seasons; winter occurs when a hemisphere is oriented away from the Sun. Different cultures define different dates as the start of winter, and some use a definition based on weather.

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Summer is the hottest of the four temperate seasons, occurring after spring and before autumn. At or aroundthe summer solstice, the earliest sunrise and latest sunset occurs, daylight hours are longest and dark hours are shortest, with day length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice.

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Spring, also known as springtime, is one of the four temperate seasons, succeeding winter and preceding summer. There are various technical definitions of spring, but local usage of the term varies according to local climate, cultures and customs. When it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it is autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa.


Pan de Jamón

Delicioso Pan de Jamón con el tradicional relleno, jamón ahumado, pasitas, aceitunas y que so crema 

MiniCake de Zanahoria

 MiniCake de zanahoria, elaborada con finas especias como jengibre, canela, clavitos de olor, nuez moscada y acompañada con nueces, avellanas y pasitas. Rellena con la tradicional crema de queso crema.


MiniCake de bizcocho de chocolate con relleno de coulis de fresas y crema chantilly, decorada con corazones en fondant  


 Croquenbouche de Profiteroles rellenos de crema pastelera y cubiertos con un delicioso ganache de chocolate 

Paletas de Chocolate o Cakesicles

Paletas de Chocolate o Cakesicles  Les presento estas ricas y hermosas Paletas de Chocolate también llamadas Cakesicles, son elaboradas con chocolate bitter o chocolate blanco, según el requerimiento del cliente Los rellenos que les ofrecemos son:  Pie de manzana Pie de limón Selva negra Tres leches Arequipe Vainilla Chocolate Y la decoración la realizamos según el motivo a festejar, cumpleaños, san Valentín, bautizo, comunión, entre otros .